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What in the world is a guardian home?

We hear these words a lot. A guardian home is such a special experience for both Deer Creek Doodles and each member of the guardian family. We believe that animals don’t deserve to live their early years cooped up in kennels, we also believe that having too many dogs in one household can take away from the love and attention these mamas deserve. These reasons are why we choose to seek extra loving homes for our breeding dogs. Our dogs live with their guardian families their whole lives, minus the weeks they come to us to whelp and raise their puppies. After retirement, they are spayed/neutered and sent back to their forever homes to live out their days. We feel that this gives the puppies we provide to our customers the best chance at proper socialization. The mothers will know proper house manners and will teach those manners to their pups.

The short version of the process goes like this- we find a puppy that we would like to add to our program, we buy said puppy, and we place him/her with a family that meets our standards. Each guardian family just has the responsibility to provide food, shelter, insurance and lots of love for their new family member.

We will continue to have opportunities for new guardian families as the time goes on, so if you or anyone you know may be interested, reach out to us!

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(402) 681-7546

How do I become a Guardian Home?

What are the expectations for a Guardian Home?

Here at Deer Creek Doodles, we do not believe that dogs should spend their lives in a kennel. Golden retrievers, Goldendoodles, and poodles are social animals by nature. They adore people, other animals, and thrive in loving homes. By placing them in a guardian home, we are ensuring they will have an amazingly happy life. This program gives Deer Creek Doodles the ability to maintain the highest quality care for all of our dogs by placing them in qualified homes.

Our Guardian Home program allows for our chosen families to have the chance to care for and love a top of the line puppy. Our guardian families are truly a part of the process, and it builds a beautiful bond between all involved. Once the breeding dogs has had his/her allotted litters, she/he is spayed/neutered and becomes sole property of the guardian family.

Guardian families are an important part of our program. We will get to know each other and become a unit as our journey together begins. The puppy is a part of the guardian home, but breeding rights are retained by Deer Creek Doodles. Each dog’s breeding career will be different, so we will discuss specific details as time progresses and the mother shows how she handles whelping/raising a litter.

From the beginning, the dog is a member of your family. We encourage bonding activities, such as taking obedience classes, with your guardian puppy. Like any well-loved pet, she/he will need good exercise and lots of play. Some families choose to join therapy dog programs and visit hospitals, hospice, schools, and even libraries with their breeder dog.

Guardian families are responsible for feeding our breeding dogs a high-quality food, we have chosen Pawtree for all of our dogs. You are also responsible for training the dog. This means that you are teaching basic commands and manners. You are responsible for vaccinations, monthly heartworm/tick prevention, and a yearly exam done by a veterinarian. You are also responsible for proper fencing or walking the dog on a leash at all times.

You as the guardian are to keep a breeding dog away from any dog that is not spayed or neutered. This is crucial and will break the contract in its entirety if this rule is broken. Our guardian dogs are not to be outside for an extended period of time, and they will be strictly indoor pets. You are responsible for the best interests of your guardian dog. If at any time, the guardian dog is impregnated, hurt, killed, or otherwise damaged, and it is found to be due to the fault of the guardian family, the contract is null and void and the guardian family will be responsible to pay Deer Creek Doodles the price paid for the dog.

When the guardian girl is in season, the guardian family is required to contact us immediately. An intact female usually has a heat cycle that will last between 14 to 21 days. During this time, we will need access to her for breeding related appointments. Once she has been bred, she will remain with her guardian family until one week before her due date. At that time, the guardian dog will come back to stay with us throughout her pregnancy and will be returned once her puppies are fully weaned approximately 5-6 weeks later. Guardian families are welcome and encouraged to visit while their guardian dog is here at Deer Creek Doodles.

In summary, the female will stay with us for 3-4 days during her heat cycle to be bred. Then, she returns to whelp (deliver) her puppies a week before they are due. She will then stay with us until the puppies are weaned (about 6-7 weeks total). We work with our guardian homes using a simple contract and we provide support and guidance all along the way, staying in contact throughout the year. At the conclusion of the guardian home family contract, the female dog 100% belongs to the guardian family.

Guardian Family Qualifications

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